Frugal Living for Millennials: Smart Budget Tips

Frugal Living for Millennials

Greetings! As a millennial, I understand the unique financial challenges we face. From student loans to a competitive job market, it can be tough to achieve financial freedom. However, with the right budgeting strategies and frugal habits, we can make significant progress towards our goals. In this article, I will share some smart budget tips specifically tailored for millennials like us, so we can save money effectively and pave the way to a brighter financial future.

Key Takeaways:

  • By avoiding lifestyle creep and resisting the urge to constantly upgrade our lifestyles, we can protect our financial wellness.
  • Learning to say no to unnecessary expenses and social activities that don’t align with our financial goals is essential for staying on track.
  • Rationalizing expenses can lead to debt and hinder our saving efforts, so it’s important to make responsible spending choices.
  • Utilizing high-yield savings accounts can provide a safe place to grow our savings through interest.
  • Investing discretionary funds instead of spending them on short-term purchases can help us accumulate significant wealth over time.

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, let’s dive into the specific strategies that will help us achieve financial freedom through frugal living.

The Dangers of Lifestyle Creep

As millennials, we face the temptation of lifestyle creep – the urge to spend more as our income increases. But this seemingly harmless habit can pose a significant financial risk to our long-term well-being. Let’s dive into why lifestyle creep is dangerous and how we can protect ourselves by cultivating frugal habits.

When we fall into the trap of continuously upgrading our lifestyle, it becomes increasingly difficult to live within our means and save money. What starts as small indulgences can quickly escalate, leaving us financially vulnerable. We may find ourselves constantly chasing the next trendy purchase or living paycheck to paycheck, without any buffer to handle unexpected expenses.

But here’s the good news: we have the power to break free from this cycle and safeguard our financial wellness. By developing frugal habits and being mindful of our spending, we can protect ourselves from the dangers of lifestyle creep.

“Frugal habits are not about deprivation; they’re about making intentional choices that align with our long-term financial goals.”

To start, let’s embrace the concept of frugal living. Frugal habits involve being intentional with our money, choosing to prioritize our financial well-being over impulsive spending. By distinguishing between our wants and needs, we can make conscious decisions that align with our long-term goals.

Here are some practical tips to avoid lifestyle creep:

  • Create a budget and stick to it. Track your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back.
  • Practice delayed gratification. Before making a purchase, give yourself some time to think it over and consider if it aligns with your financial goals.
  • Avoid unnecessary expenses. Evaluate your spending habits and eliminate non-essential items or services that don’t bring significant value to your life.
  • Invest in experiences rather than material possessions. Memories last longer than material things and often provide greater satisfaction.
  • Focus on quality over quantity. Instead of constantly upgrading your belongings, choose items that are built to last, even if they come with a higher price tag.

To drive home the importance of avoiding lifestyle creep, let’s take a look at a comparison between two hypothetical individuals: Jane and Mark.

Jane (Avoids Lifestyle Creep) Mark (Falls Into Lifestyle Creep)
Income Earns $50,000 per year Earns $50,000 per year
Savings Rate Saves 20% of her income Saves 5% of his income
Expenses Consistently lives within her means and avoids unnecessary expenses Allows lifestyle creep to influence spending decisions, resulting in higher expenses
Savings After 10 Years $100,000 $25,000

The table clearly demonstrates the impact of lifestyle creep on long-term savings. By avoiding unnecessary expenses and living within her means, Jane accumulates $100,000 in savings after 10 years. On the other hand, Mark, who falls into the habit of lifestyle creep and increases his expenses, only manages to save $25,000. This comparison underscores the importance of cultivating frugal habits and being mindful of our spending habits.

In summary, lifestyle creep poses a real financial risk to millennials. By embracing frugal habits, focusing on our long-term goals, and being mindful of our spending, we can protect ourselves from the dangers of lifestyle creep and build a solid financial foundation for the future.

Learning to Say No

As I navigate through my social life as a millennial, I’ve come to realize the importance of learning to say no to expensive activities that don’t align with my financial goals. While it’s essential to have fun and enjoy social activities, constantly saying yes to every invitation can quickly deplete my savings. That’s why finding a balance and saying no when necessary is crucial to staying on track with my frugal living journey.

When I first started embracing a frugal lifestyle, I struggled with the fear of missing out. I didn’t want to be the one who always declined social invitations because of money. But then I realized that saying no doesn’t mean sacrificing my social life completely; it just means making thoughtful choices.

For example, instead of going out for expensive dinners every weekend, I’ve learned to suggest more affordable alternatives like potluck dinners at home or picnics in the park. These options not only save money but also create opportunities for quality time and meaningful connections with friends.

Saying no to costly activities that don’t align with my financial goals doesn’t mean missing out; it means making thoughtful choices.

Another way I’ve learned to say no is by being more selective about the events I attend. I prioritize the activities that truly bring me joy and align with my interests instead of saying yes to every invitation out of obligation. This way, I can maintain a social life while also keeping my budget intact.

It’s important to remember that saying no to one expensive activity doesn’t mean saying no to all social engagements. By being intentional and thoughtful about the activities I choose to participate in, I can strike a balance between enjoying social interactions and staying true to my frugal living principles.

Developing the ability to say no and make conscious decisions about how I spend my time and money has been a game-changer for my financial well-being. It has allowed me to focus on the experiences and relationships that truly matter to me, while saving money and staying on track with my financial goals.

How Saying No Benefits My Frugal Living Journey:

  • Preserves financial resources for meaningful experiences
  • Enables me to focus on relationships rather than materialistic activities
  • Reduces the pressure to keep up with others’ spending habits
  • Provides a sense of control over my finances

By learning to say no to costly activities that don’t align with my frugal living goals, I am able to create a life that is both financially responsible and fulfilling. It’s about making intentional choices that prioritize my long-term financial success without sacrificing the joy and connection that social activities bring.

Avoiding Rationalization

When it comes to our finances, it’s easy to fall into the trap of rationalizing unnecessary expenses. We convince ourselves that we’ll make more money in the future and that we can afford to splurge now. However, this line of thinking can lead to a dangerous cycle of rising debt and hinder our ability to save money effectively.

As millennials, it’s important for us to be honest about our financial limitations and make responsible spending choices. Rather than rationalizing expenses, we should prioritize our long-term financial well-being and focus on saving.

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” – Benjamin Franklin

By avoiding the rationalization trap, we can build a solid financial foundation and work towards our goals. Here are a few strategies to help us avoid rationalizing expenses:

1. Set Clear Budgetary Boundaries

Establishing a budget is essential for keeping our spending in check. By setting clear boundaries for different categories of expenses, such as groceries, entertainment, and transportation, we can prevent ourselves from rationalizing unnecessary purchases. Stick to the budget and prioritize savings over impulsive spending.

2. Practice Delayed Gratification

Instead of giving in to instant gratification and making spontaneous purchases, take a step back and practice delayed gratification. Give yourself time to evaluate the necessity of an expense and determine if it aligns with your long-term financial goals. Often, you’ll find that the initial desire fades and saving becomes more important.

3. Seek Affordable Alternatives

Rather than splurging on high-end brands or expensive experiences, consider seeking affordable alternatives that offer similar value. Research and compare prices to make informed decisions that will save you money in the long run. Prioritize quality over quantity, and focus on the value a purchase brings to your life instead of its price tag.

By avoiding rationalization and making conscious choices that align with our financial goals, we can break free from the cycle of rising debt and start saving effectively. Let’s stay mindful of our spending, embrace a frugal mindset, and take control of our financial futures.

save money

Utilizing High-Yield Savings Accounts

When it comes to saving money, high-yield savings accounts can be a game-changer for millennials. These accounts offer a higher interest rate compared to traditional savings accounts, allowing your savings to grow faster over time. While they may not single-handedly help you reach your goal of $100,000, they provide a safe place to keep your savings and earn some extra cash through interest.

High-yield savings accounts are a great option for millennials who want to set aside money for emergency funds or down payments on future investments. By utilizing these accounts for specific financial goals, you can make your savings work harder and grow steadily over time.

Unlike regular savings accounts, high-yield savings accounts typically offer a higher annual percentage yield (APY). This means that your money will earn more interest, allowing you to save more effectively. Some high-yield savings accounts even come with additional perks like no monthly fees and easy online access, making it convenient to manage your savings.

“A high-yield savings account not only helps me grow my savings but also provides a reliable financial safety net. It’s reassuring to know that my money is working for me even when I’m not actively saving.”

Here’s a comparison table outlining the key features of high-yield savings accounts:

Features Benefits
Higher Interest Rates Earn more money on your savings compared to regular savings accounts
No Monthly Fees Save more without worrying about unnecessary charges
Easy Online Access Manage your savings conveniently from anywhere
FDIC Insurance Enjoy peace of mind knowing your deposits are protected up to $250,000 per depositor

By taking advantage of the benefits offered by high-yield savings accounts, you can optimize your savings strategy and make your money work harder for you. It’s important to research different banks or financial institutions to find the best high-yield savings account that suits your needs and goals.

Investing Discretionary Funds

When it comes to managing our finances, making the most of every dollar is essential. As a millennial, one powerful way to achieve this is by investing our discretionary funds instead of spending them on short-term purchases. By making a small shift in mindset and diverting even a portion of our monthly income towards investments, we can unlock the potential to accumulate significant wealth over time.

Investing discretionary funds allows us to put our money to work, generating returns and building a solid financial foundation for the future. Unlike spending on temporary pleasures, investing offers long-term benefits and the opportunity for our money to grow.

Imagine allocating a small portion of your discretionary funds to invest in a diversified portfolio. Over time, these investments can generate returns that far exceed the initial amount invested. By harnessing the power of compounding, your money can work for you, providing a source of passive income and potential financial security down the road.

Investing is not just reserved for the wealthy. Even with modest amounts, we can start building a portfolio by exploring low-cost investment options such as index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These investment vehicles allow us to gain exposure to a broad range of assets and minimize the risk associated with individual stock picking.

As millennials, we are known for our resourcefulness and adaptability. By channeling our discretionary funds into investments, we can take advantage of the opportunities presented by the financial markets and set ourselves up for long-term success.

“The best investment you can make is in yourself.”

Diversifying your investments for greater stability and growth

When investing discretionary funds, it’s essential to diversify your portfolio to minimize risk and maximize potential returns. Diversification involves spreading your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, as well as diversifying within each asset class by investing in a variety of companies or properties.

By diversifying, you reduce the impact of potential losses from any single investment. This approach helps to create a more stable and balanced portfolio, increasing the likelihood of achieving consistent growth over time.

Asset Class Potential Returns Risk Level
Stocks High High
Bonds Medium Medium
Real Estate Medium to High Medium

As you can see from the table above, different asset classes offer varying levels of potential returns and risk. By allocating your investments across multiple assets, you can create a more balanced portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Remember, investing discretionary funds is a long-term commitment. It’s important to be patient, stay informed, and regularly review and adjust your investment strategy as necessary. Seek guidance from a trusted financial advisor or do thorough research before making any investment decisions.

By choosing to invest our discretionary funds, we can take control of our financial future and set ourselves up for long-term success. Let’s make smart financial choices and leverage the power of investing to build a brighter tomorrow.

Making Wise Purchases

When practicing frugal living, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t mean avoiding all purchases; it means making wise choices. As a millennial, I prioritize quality over quantity to get the most value out of my hard-earned money. By opting for items that are built to last, even if they come with a higher price tag, I can save money in the long run. Instead of constantly replacing cheaply made products, investing in high-quality items allows me to avoid repeat purchases and reduce long-term expenses.

One strategy for making wise purchases is to focus on finding value rather than paying for brand names solely for status. I take the time to research and compare different brands and models to ensure that I’m getting the best product for my needs at the best price. By assessing the quality, durability, and functionality of an item, I can make an informed decision that aligns with my frugal lifestyle. This way, I don’t fall into the trap of being swayed by flashy advertising or trends that only lead to unnecessary spending.

I also consider the long-term implications of my purchases. I ask myself questions like, “Will I still be using this item in a year? Will it provide ongoing value?” By thinking ahead and prioritizing long-term use, I avoid impulse buys and prioritize items that truly enhance my life. This approach helps me save money by reducing the number of unnecessary items cluttering my home and the frequency of replacing low-quality goods.

The Benefits of Quality over Quantity

Choosing quality over quantity has numerous benefits beyond just monetary savings. By investing in well-made products, I have peace of mind knowing that they will perform as advertised and last longer. This reduces the need for repairs or replacements, saving me both time and money in the long run. Quality items also tend to have better warranties, providing added protection and value. When I purchase items with confidence in their quality, I can focus on other aspects of my life, rather than constantly worrying about the state of my possessions.

“Choosing quality over quantity has numerous benefits beyond just monetary savings.”

In addition to the financial benefits, making wise purchases contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. By opting for items that are built to last, I reduce my environmental footprint by minimizing waste. In a world where fast fashion and disposable products are the norm, embracing quality over quantity is a small but meaningful step towards a more sustainable future.

Quality Quantity
Long-lasting Short lifespan
Higher initial cost Lower initial cost
Performs as advertised Unreliable performance
Better warranties Limited or no warranties

Choosing quality over quantity is a key aspect of frugal living that allows me to save money while still enjoying the things that matter most to me. By making conscious decisions and investing in items that offer long-term value, I can build a more financially secure future without sacrificing my needs or desires.

Sharing Expenses With a Roommate

Living with a roommate can have a significant financial impact, especially for millennials who may not yet have the means to afford their own place. By sharing expenses with a roommate, such as rent, utilities, and streaming memberships, millennials can save thousands of dollars per year. This cost-saving strategy allows them to allocate more of their income towards savings, debt repayment, or other financial goals.

Sharing living expenses is a practical and effective way to reduce the financial burden of independent living. Splitting the cost of rent and utilities evenly between roommates can lead to substantial savings each month, freeing up valuable funds for other purposes. This arrangement not only helps to ease the financial strain but also provides an opportunity for millennials to learn how to manage shared finances responsibly.

The Financial Benefits of Living with a Roommate

Let’s take a closer look at the potential cost-saving benefits of sharing expenses with a roommate:

Expense Monthly Cost Savings Per Year
Rent $1,500 $9,000
Utilities $200 $1,200
Streaming Memberships $50 $300

Note: The above figures are for illustrative purposes only and may vary depending on location and personal circumstances.

As seen in the table above, by sharing rent, utilities, and even common expenses like streaming memberships, millennials can potentially save $10,500 per year. This substantial cost reduction can have a significant impact on their overall financial situation and aid in building a solid financial foundation.

Living with a roommate not only helps with immediate cost-saving but also offers an opportunity to develop valuable financial skills. Through open communication and shared budgeting, roommates can collaboratively manage expenses, track their spending, and work towards common financial goals.

“Sharing expenses with a roommate is a smart financial move that can accelerate your savings and improve your long-term financial future.”

Furthermore, the financial impact of living with a roommate extends beyond the immediate cost-saving benefits. By reducing monthly expenses, millennials can allocate more money towards saving for a down payment on a home or investing for the future. This can accelerate their journey towards financial independence and provide opportunities for long-term wealth accumulation.

Living with a roommate allows millennials to strike a balance between enjoying their desired lifestyle and pursuing their financial goals. By making the temporary sacrifice of sharing expenses, millennials can boost their savings, reduce financial strain, and improve their overall financial well-being.

The Importance of Setting Clear Financial Goals

As a millennial, setting clear financial goals is crucial in your frugal living journey. Whether you’re focused on paying off student loans, saving for a down payment, or building a retirement nest egg, having specific goals provides the motivation and direction you need to stay on track.

By aligning your daily actions with your long-term goals, you can ensure that every decision you make contributes to your financial well-being. When you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, it becomes easier to resist the temptation to overspend and stay committed to your savings plan.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

When setting your financial goals, take the time to make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework will help you define your goals in a way that is clear, actionable, and attainable. For example, instead of saying, “I want to save money,” you can set a goal to save $10,000 in the next two years for a down payment on a home.

Remember, your financial goals should be personal to you and align with your values and aspirations. They provide a sense of purpose and give you the motivation to make the necessary sacrifices and choices to achieve them.

The Benefits of Setting Clear Financial Goals

1. Motivation and Focus: When you have clear goals in mind, you are more motivated to save money and make smart financial decisions. Having a purpose gives your daily actions meaning and keeps you focused on your long-term objectives.

2. Better Financial Planning: Setting clear goals allows you to create a roadmap for your financial journey. You can estimate how much you need to save, invest, or pay off each month and develop a plan to achieve those targets.

3. Accountability: When you have specific goals, you can track your progress and hold yourself accountable. Regularly reviewing your goals helps you stay on track and make adjustments if necessary.

4. Sense of Achievement: Every milestone you reach on your way to achieving your financial goals brings a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate your successes along the way to stay motivated and inspired.

Financial Goal Description
Pay off Student Loans Create a plan to pay off your student loans within a specific timeframe, taking into account your income and expenses.
Save for a Down Payment Set a target amount and timeframe for saving up for a down payment on a house or a car.
Build a Retirement Nest Egg Calculate how much you need to save for retirement and create a plan to reach that goal by a certain age.

Setting clear financial goals not only helps you save money but also encourages long-term planning and financial stability. By staying focused and disciplined, you can turn your aspirations into realities and build a brighter financial future.

Embracing a Frugal Mindset

Frugal living is not about depriving oneself but about making mindful choices that align with long-term financial goals. By adopting a frugal mindset, I can make smart money moves that lead to financial security.

“Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and yet one that we are culturally cut off from understanding and enjoying. The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things.” – Elise Boulding

Embracing a frugal mindset means reevaluating my relationship with money and understanding that financial security comes from making intentional choices. This mindset allows me to prioritize what truly matters and take control of my finances.

The Benefits of a Frugal Mindset

Adopting a frugal mindset opens up a world of financial possibilities. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Financial Security: By making smart money moves and living within my means, I can build a solid financial foundation that provides security and peace of mind.
  • Savings Growth: A frugal mindset empowers me to save more effectively by cutting unnecessary expenses and redirecting those funds towards my financial goals.
  • Debt Reduction: With a frugal mindset, I can avoid unnecessary debt and focus on paying off existing debts, freeing myself from financial burdens.
  • Opportunities for Wealth Accumulation: By saving and investing wisely, a frugal mindset allows for the accumulation of wealth over time, creating a path towards financial independence.

Embracing a frugal mindset requires discipline and consistency. It means consciously making choices that align with my long-term financial security rather than succumbing to impulsive spending or keeping up with societal expectations.

Making Smart Money Moves

Once I’ve adopted a frugal mindset, it’s important to put it into action by making smart money moves. Here are some strategies:

  • Create a Budget: Establishing a budget helps me track my income and expenses, allowing me to identify areas where I can cut back and save more.
  • Practice Mindful Spending: Before making a purchase, I ask myself if it aligns with my financial goals and if there are more affordable alternatives without compromising quality.
  • Automate Savings: Setting up automatic transfers to a high-yield savings account ensures that a portion of my income goes towards savings without temptation to spend it elsewhere.
  • Invest Wisely: I educate myself about different investment opportunities and choose options that align with my risk tolerance and long-term financial goals.

By adopting a frugal mindset and implementing these smart money moves, I have the power to take control of my financial future and build a better life.

frugal mindset

The Benefits of Starting Early

Starting frugal living early in life gives me a head start on my financial journey. By saving and investing from a young age, even in small amounts, I can take advantage of the power of compounding. This early start sets the stage for financial independence and a more secure future.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.”

Compounding is the process by which my money earns returns, and those returns generate more returns over time. It’s like a snowball rolling down a hill, gradually growing larger and larger. By starting early, the benefits of compounding are maximized, allowing my savings and investments to grow exponentially over time.

Let’s take a look at an example:

Starting Age Investment (per month) Total Amount Invested Ending Age (Retirement at 65) Total Value
25 $100 $48,000 65 $656,229
35 $100 $36,000 65 $343,149
45 $100 $24,000 65 $173,168

In this example, starting at age 25 with an investment of $100 per month, I would accumulate over $656,000 by the time I retire at 65. However, if I wait until age 35 or 45 to start, my savings would be significantly lower, at $343,000 and $173,000, respectively. This clearly demonstrates the power of starting early.

To take advantage of compounding, I can start by saving a portion of my income every month. Even small amounts can make a big difference over time. As my savings grow, I can then explore investment opportunities that align with my risk tolerance and financial goals. By starting early and staying consistent, I can build a solid financial foundation for my future.

Starting early is a key factor in achieving financial independence. It allows me to take control of my financial destiny and build wealth over time. By saving and investing, I can secure a more prosperous future and enjoy the benefits of long-term financial success.


Frugal living offers millennials like me the key to financial freedom. By adopting frugal habits, setting clear goals, and making smart money moves, we can take control of our finances and build a solid foundation for a prosperous future.

Living frugally doesn’t mean sacrificing all the things we enjoy. It’s about making mindful choices that align with our long-term financial goals. By avoiding lifestyle creep and learning to say no to unnecessary expenses, we can save money effectively and make progress towards our financial objectives.

Utilizing tools like high-yield savings accounts and investing discretionary funds can also accelerate our journey towards financial freedom. By prioritizing quality over quantity and sharing expenses with roommates, we can stretch our dollars further and turbocharge our savings.

So, let’s embrace a frugal mindset and start today. With discipline and consistency, we can reap the benefits of a frugal lifestyle and achieve the financial security and independence we desire. Frugal living is the pathway to a brighter future for millennials like us.


What is lifestyle creep?

Lifestyle creep refers to the tendency to spend more as income increases. It is the habit of continuously upgrading one’s lifestyle and can hinder frugal living and saving money.

How can I avoid lifestyle creep?

To avoid lifestyle creep, you should be mindful of your spending and avoid unnecessary expenses. Focus on living frugally and prioritize saving money over continuously upgrading your lifestyle.

How can I say no to expensive social activities?

While it’s important to have fun, you can say no to expensive social activities that don’t align with your financial goals. Learn to balance your social life and say no when necessary to avoid depleting your savings quickly.

Why is avoiding rationalization important?

Avoiding rationalization is crucial because it helps you break the cycle of debt and focus on saving money. By being honest about your financial limitations and making responsible spending choices, you can avoid falling into the trap of rationalizing unnecessary expenses.

What are high-yield savings accounts?

High-yield savings accounts are a type of savings account that offer higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts. These accounts can help you grow your savings steadily over time and provide a safe place to keep your money.

How can I utilize high-yield savings accounts effectively?

You can use high-yield savings accounts for emergency funds and saving for major purchases like a down payment. By maximizing the interest earned on your savings, you can make your money work harder for you and reach your savings goals faster.

Should I invest my discretionary funds?

Yes, investing discretionary funds can be a smart move to accumulate wealth over time. By diverting even a small portion of your monthly income towards investments, you can take advantage of the power of compounding and potentially achieve significant financial growth.

How can I make wise purchases?

When making purchases, prioritize quality over quantity. Opt for items that will last longer, even if they come with a higher price tag. Additionally, avoid paying for brand names solely for status and focus on finding value for your money.

What are the benefits of living with a roommate?

Living with a roommate allows you to share expenses such as rent, utilities, and streaming memberships. This can result in significant cost savings and help you boost your savings. It’s a temporary sacrifice that can have a positive impact on your financial future.

Why is setting clear financial goals important?

Setting clear financial goals provides direction and motivation for your frugal living journey. Whether it’s paying off student loans, saving for a down payment, or building a retirement nest egg, having specific goals helps you stay focused on your financial well-being.

How can embracing a frugal mindset benefit me?

Embracing a frugal mindset allows you to make smart money moves that lead to financial security. By adopting a frugal lifestyle, you can take control of your finances, make mindful choices, and build a solid foundation for a prosperous future.

Why is starting early important in frugal living?

Starting to live frugally and saving money from a young age gives you a head start on your financial journey. By saving and investing even small amounts early on, you can take advantage of the power of compounding and set the stage for financial independence and a more secure future.

What are the benefits of frugal living for millennials?

Frugal living offers millennials the opportunity to take control of their finances, save money effectively, and achieve financial freedom. By adopting frugal habits, setting clear goals, and making smart money moves, millennials can build a solid foundation for a prosperous future.


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